Monday 7 September 2015


The day began with our smoke detector beeping intermittently.  Neither Ken nor I dare to climb on stools or ladders at our age, and our daughter Terry could not reach the detector even when she did stand on a stool! A neighbour (and friend) of Terry's did her best, but even though she could reach the alarm, it still presented too much of a challenge - not your average alarm, apparently. Our car repairman (who offers a mobile service and comes to the house with his van) also took a turn to solve the problem but he too gave up as he did not want to damage the alarm.

Ken always says that if you want a problem solved, go to the top! So, in desperation I called the Saanich Fire Department, stating immediately that there was no emergency.  I pulled the seniors' card, telling them that Ken is 94 and I am 90 - we needed help!

It worked, and in no time at all a fire truck arrived at the foot of the driveway and three stalwart firemen who were 'on call' strode up to the door, ready to help a couple of old folks. One of them gave a mighty twist to the smoke alarm and off came the cover.  

They changed the battery and were kind enough to pose for a photo.

Later that day while Terry and I were shopping, we had another fun encounter.  I was in search of a General Mills Company cereal.  A chap was restocking the shelves.  With my irrepressible sense of humour I asked "Are you General Mills?" Joining in the fun, he replied "No, I'm Corporal Punishment".

Meanwhile our little corgi, Miller, was enjoying a spa treatment - a very nice lady brings a mobile grooming van to our house and Miller is thoroughly combed, bathed and has his fluffy bits dealt with.  He comes out looking like a show dog.

But the day was not over yet - Terry had a surprise visit from a confused-looking young Chocolate Lab who tried to enter her patio door.  Luckily the dog wore a collar and tag with phone numbers.  We had to coax 'Grace' with many treats before she allowed Terry to attach a leash.

She was eventually returned to her owner and Terry was able to join us for lunch, scrabble and our regular Thursday 'family day'.

As we were finishing our second scrabble game, our car repairman knocked at the door to say he was finished.  We offered him a glass of wine which he gratefully accepted, and we ended up having a very enjoyable conversation with him.

It was a nice way to wind up a very busy but rewarding day.