Sunday 20 October 2013

Back to the Future

It's often said 'what goes around, comes around'.  Lately, this has been demonstrated to me by our grand-daughters, now in their late twenties and early thirties.

On a recent visit from granddaughter Lindsay and Mike (grandson-in-law - is that right?), who has taken a keen interest in old records, told us they have purchased an old stereo on which to play them.  We spent some time around the fireplace, rifling through our large selection of records.  We too have a lovely old stereo and Mike soon got the turntable working again.  We sipped some wine, lulled by the mellow renderings of Nat King Cole.  What a delightful afternoon.  It gave us so much pleasure to see the enjoyment and appreciation on Mike and Lindsay's faces when they left to return to Prince George, taking all our old records as well as the avocado green 'fake' leather chest in which to store them. Eventually they will inherit our mint condition stereo cabinet, which they greatly admired.

Lindsay also gazed longingly at our old cast iron hot water radiators and said 'Grandma, did you know they are the 'in' thing?' Little did we know we were living in such an enviable atmosphere. 

Her face flushed with excitement as she noticed our collection of leatherbound Readers Digest Condensed Books - she said they would make such a great 'fake' library!  

No doubt Mike and Lindsay would also be pleased to inherit our 1930's Remington I wish I'd kept my old meat grinder for them, too!

Granddaughter Colleen and family also recently paid us a visit and said she would love to have the spare bedroom light fixture, with all of its violent orange plastic beauty!  

Can this be the same ceiling fixture much maligned over the years by our daughter "Why on earth don't you replace that thing?"

Colleen's husband, Daryl, with great grandchildren Kyler and Cora in tow, left our home clutching several 1940/50's Popular Mechanics magazines.  He is a heavy duty equipment mechanic and these old magazines really appealed to him.

Our third granddaughter, Heather, (husband Adam and baby boy Oliver) has not yet laid claim to anything.  I wonder if she would like the 1973 avocado green stove which still works like a charm? 

Maybe she is not as interested in all our 'retro' stuff, or she may feel awkward about asking for anything.

As for Ken and I, we feel that now is the time to bring up the subject of inheritance.  My own mum died at the age of 68 and never discussed the future.  My father, who lived to 100, was very insular.  He never had the pleasure of seeing the happiness his bequests brought to us.


  1. Well, i'm sure glad my daughters have such good taste, and appreciation for style and the latest in decor, fashion, music, etc.. Not sure where this flare all came from!! Your favourite daughter-in-law, Carol.

  2. I think it is great. I too love the old and vintage things that have been passed along to me. Vintage toys to my boys that have come from Frank and Georgina (ones Bob played with as a child), old books that came from my Dad's Mother. A 1940's table and cabinet. I think it is a very good idea to pass things along and watch the joy of doing so. Your Granddaughters are a lucky bunch to have access to such cool old stuff (including you and Uncle Ken) Lol.
    Love to you both.
