Saturday 16 November 2013

Party Animals

Back in the 50's we attended and gave many parties.  My husband Ken worked at the Post Office.  Because many of the employees had helped each other build their own houses in the those financially tough years right after the war, a special camaraderie developed amongst them.  There were lots of parties and often if one couple couldn't afford to pay a babysitter or just couldn't find a sitter, the baby ended up sleeping among the coats on our bed.

The games we played were silly and harmless, some a little risque, but all good clean fun.  The Honeymoon Game was a hit.  A group of us sat in a circle in one room while the innocent victim (usually female) was ushered into our midst.  We all stared at her in silence.  Finally, in desperation, she would blurt out something like "Well, what do you want me to do?" or "Now what?"  or "This isn't fair!" We would all let out great hoots of laughter and explain that this was supposed to be the first thing she said on her honeymoon.

Another game involved placing several items in a line on the floor.  Then the female victim (why is it always us?) was blind-folded and instructed to "walk the line", without stepping on any object.  Urged on by warnings such as "be careful" "you're doing good" etc. she finally completed the obstacle course.  Meanwhile, the objects had been removed and replaced by several husbands lying on their backs in a straight line on the floor. The blindfold was then whipped off the giggling, embarrassed victim who was greeted with much laughter and shouts of "We see London, we see France, we see Betty's underpants"

Another time we filled a brand new pink 'potty' with beer and weiners and passed it around for each participant to sip.  One timid wife refused, saying "I just can't do it".

 We played 'pass the parcel' wearing oven mitts and using knives and forks to open the parcel.  Unfortunately this particular game resulted in Eric stabbing an artery and being rushed to Emergency where, with some embarrassment, he explained the nature of his injury "I forked myself".

Once we made up a lengthy story which began "one dark and stormy night" and continued with each person speaking the next 'bit' into a tape recorder (state of the art). When we played back the whole story we all broke into peals of laughter at the ridiculous tale we had concocted.

We had sing songs around the piano and we danced.

We had some wonderful New Year's Eve parties.

And sometimes we wore costumes...

Most of the party animals are gone now, but we have lots of great pictures and even greater memories.


  1. I love it. Keep them coming you "Party Animal".

  2. Thank you for sharing! You are my parent's age (more or less) and I know they have some stories like this to tell. One of my Dad's friends told of a party wherein my mother actually fell into a hole in the street as they were leaving and going to the car. She fell in the hole up to her neck, but rather than rescuing her, everyone in the party came out to laugh. Of course, they were all tipsy, and she was mortified. I'm sure they felt guilty about it later, but it's still talked about today.
