Friday 10 January 2014

A Knotty Connection

Ken and I were married in November 1947 in little St. Aidan's church on Cedar Hill X Road in Victoria, BC.  The reception was held in the CCF Hall just across the street.  (Neither of these buildings exists any more).

Our honeymoon destination was Hollywood, California, which sounded very romantic when described by the social editor in the newspaper:  "Los Angeles is the honeymoon destination of the young couple".  No mention of the Trailways bus and the 36 hour trip involved.  We didn't have a car, we didn't have much money, so we opted for the cheapest method of transportation.

It was exciting to be in the heart of the movie kingdom.  We took in all the sights and shows. We were on the radio show "Meet the Mrs." as the couple who had been married the least amount of time: 2 days, 16 1/2 hours.  The oldest couple on the show were celebrating their 65th wedding anniversary which Ken and I found hard to believe at the time, although now Ken and I have been married 66 years.

Anyway, what I wanted to tell you was that we took a side trip to Knotts Berry Farm, which is a Barkerville type of Theme Park of 160 acres with great entertainment, offering a fabulous chicken dinner, topped off with one of their famous berry pies.

Here we posed seated next to the equally famous Western stone figures.

Little did we imagine then that 30 years later our son Mark and daughter-in-law Carol would, on their honeymoon, sit on the same seat and pose with the same figures.  And I have the pictures to prove it!


  1. That's a great story! I've really been enjoying all your posts Lynette. The stories are wonderful, and it's so great to have the pictures that go along with them.

  2. Mark and I sat in the wrong places, but it was fun, especially knowing you both had been there thirty years earlier! We did California, Disneyland and Knotts for our honeymoon...
