Sunday 30 March 2014

Close Connections - The Girl Next Door

I think it was around 1996 that we first met Kelly. She was renting the suite next door, where daughter Terry now lives, while attending the University of Victoria.

Kelly had recently moved from Ontario and was extremely homesick.  I took her under my wing (or should I say 'our wings'?) and often had her over for tea and talks.  I think she used our phone a few times to call her parents.

I can recall one time when she was working on a project which involved researching some articles and pictures from old magazines.  As we happened to have magazines dating back to the 1950's in our attic, she spent hours perusing them for information.  I can see her now, kneeling on the floor upstairs, surrounded by dusty magazines, the sun streaming in the window on her back.  Meanwhile I was downstairs plugging in the kettle to make tea for us.

All our neighbours were invited to our 50th wedding anniversary and Kelly was included in the invite.

Time passed, Kelly graduated and returned to Ontario.

We keep in touch every Christmas.  She has achieved her goal of becoming a pre-school speech and language therapist and married a wonderful young man named Pat. They now have a little daughter and new baby son.  She writes me detailed letters about how their life is unfolding and I am keeping those letters for her future.

I am so glad we opened our home and our hearts to the girl next door when she most needed it.  In return, this close connection has enriched our lives.

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