Saturday 17 May 2014

Close Connections - A German Connection

We have had some interesting neighbours in our time 'on the Hill' on Christmas Avenue.

Lolo was a solidly built German lady with a heart to match. She was a keen gardener and tackled any job that came along including building herself a grape arbor.

I think she was divorced. She had a married daughter who lived up Island as well as teenage son living at home.

Before she retired, she was a cook in a government home for troubled teens - a perfect match for her because she exuded warmth and love.

She often held little neighbourhood gatherings (including scrabble games) for which she provided great German dishes.  Her home was filled with her own paintings and fabulous quilting creations. 

When Lolo retired, I held a little 'do' for her and those present gave her gifts.  She was quite overwhelmed and very appreciative.

Back row, left to right: Ken, the Hatches, Marge Preston, Marge Clayton, Lolo
Front row left to right: Margaret Stofer, Lynette Stofer, Rhoda McKenzie

Sadly, Lolo developed cancer although she struggled on bravely, even playing scrabble a few weeks before her death.

Ken gave a heartfelt eulogy at her Celebration of Life.

We think of Lolo often and miss her presence on the Hill.

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