Monday 13 October 2014


Continental memories - once in Monaco, Ken and I sauntered along the harbour, blissfully unaware that a film crew was filming the famous racing car driver, Jackie Stewart, and Ken and I were in the way!  The whole sequence had to be redone - allowing us to capture it on our video camera!

Once, leaving Rome by train, we were headed for Bari to catch the ferry for Dubrovnik.  Our compartment companion was a priest.  He treated us to an espresso and on our arrival at Bari, leapt from the train, hailed a taxi, helped unload/load our luggage and paid the taxi fare.  Then with a wave and "God bless you!" he was gone.  These are experiences one never forgets.

In Dubrovnik we were housed with a delightful couple.  Like us, they had built their own home with a loan from a bank. Each morning, the host shook our hands and gave us some sort of alcoholic drink to start the day.  One of his daughters spoke English, which was very helpful.  We loved our time there and enjoyed many walks through the walled city taking in the view of the beautiful Adriatic Sea over the red-tiled rooftops.  

Yugoslavian food was fantastic and a concert under the stars one evening made our stay in this city perfect.

Oh the memories we have - including a night in Spain spent nightclubbing (those were the days!) and acting as chaperons for one of the young waitresses at our lovely hotel.

Traveling is wonderful. Ken and I have a wealth of memories, bolstered now by re-reading the detailed diaries we kept of every trip.  It is almost like enjoying the journeys all over again, but from the comfort of home, and as we all know - there is nothing like being home in your own bed!!

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