Wednesday 7 January 2015

The Big One

Hi, I'm back.  I hope you missed me, but with all the Christmas Season activities, I doubt it!

Well, 2014 was the big year for me - I turned 90 in December. 

I hosted a little luncheon at our house for my scrabble group.  All the Christmas decorations were up, I had soft carols playing in the background and a fire glowing. We all enjoyed sharing memories of Christmas past and the pleasure of being together.

Our son Mark and his wife Carol drove down from Prince George for my birthday.  As we were setting out the Chinese food they brought for dinner, the phone rang - it was one of my grand-daughters, Lindsay, phoning from Prince George to wish me Happy Birthday.  

Then the doorbell rang, interrupting our phone call, so I said a hurried 'good-bye'.  I opened the door to find Lindsay along with her new baby boy, James Mark, both draped in flashing Christmas lights! She had been hiding in Mark's truck and had actually been calling me from her cell phone as she came to the front door.  What a wonderful surprise!  I was thrilled to meet my newest great grand-child for the first time - he is adorable!

Another happy event to celebrate my birthday was a night out for dinner and musical theatre at the Oak Bay Beach Hotel.  We enjoyed a delicious dinner and we found the entertainment to be just excellent.

Then on the 29th of December, Lindsay's twin, Heather, along with her husband Adam and their little boy, Oliver, came for lunch and a visit.  We hadn't seen Oliver since he was a few months old. Now at 16 months, he is walking very well.  He is a handsome sturdy boy and was so well-behaved!

Finally, to top off my birthday month, we had a visit from our nephew Dennis, from Port Alberni.  He arrived with a beautifully decorated box full of gifts as well as dinner.  Later in the evening he insisted on giving me a demonstration of crepe-making.  He even brought his own crepe mixture and pan.  While he masterfully flipped crepes, we chatted and caught up on each other's news.  Dennis is a very caring chap and it was wonderful to see him again.

All in all, I had a super 90th birthday.  I am very blessed.

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