Tuesday 31 October 2017


My daughter has encouraged me to return to my blog.  

Several things have contributed to my absence.  I am kept very busy being a caregiver to my husband Ken, have had a couple of little strokes and developed angina.  But I kind of miss putting my thoughts on paper.  So - here goes!

Ken has edema in his feet and is required to wear very tight 'compression' stockings which are so snug that we need help in pulling them on.

A lady comes in each weekday morning to put his stockings on for him.  We have been blessed to have the same individual every day, and we have 'bonded'.  She is from Africa and is kind, considerate and caring. We enjoy many conversations about her home country, traditions and family.  She also washes up the dishes from the night before as well as our breakfast dishes and is on the premises when either Ken or I take a bath 'just in case'.  Fortunately, the compression stockings are quite easy to remove at the end of the day, so Ken and I are able to manage that ourselves.

We have a cleaner now - a charming girl who vacuums, dusts, etc.  She seems to enjoy chatting with us as much as we do with her.  

We also have a 'foot lady' who comes in on a regular basis to pamper our feet!

Our little corgi, Miller, who is 14 years old now, accepts all visitors with open paws, including the lady who recently came to provide some personal care for HIM (teeth cleaning and scaling).  

Miller is Ken's constant companion and will follow Ken and his walker anywhere!

I am still preparing all of our meals and baking and enjoy reading and my weekly scrabble games, though the number of my fellow scrabblers is sadly reduced.  Ken still spends hours on his computer and we both love our British television programs.

Life has...evolved.


  1. Hi, Lynette. How lovely to read a new blog from you! Well done. Love the photo of Miller "at the dentist." By the way, those aren't Ken's knees, are they? hee hee

  2. Hi Lynette, Jean and I are delighted to see you have put'pen to paper' so to speak. Love the update and photos.What fabulous legs Ken has! Good to hear that you are still busy but enjoy the help you need.Xx

  3. Hi Lynette,
    I just want to say I've enjoyed reading your stories about the area I grew up in (Ernest Ave and not far from it). My dad owned Ironcraft Products on Cedar Hill X rd when I was young. My mom (Brenda Averill) lived just up the street from there and went to Mt. Doug school (where Cedar Hill school is now). Thanks for sharing all your memories of the neighbourhood!

