Tuesday 11 February 2014

Fit for a Queen

In 1986 when Expo took place in Vancouver, we made a point of attending on several occasions.  We found it fascinating to wander around and take in all there was to experience.  One day we enjoyed watching 'the Queen' (impersonator Carolyn Sadowska) chat with people.

As I stood admiring her regal interaction with the crowd, it suddenly struck me, what was I waiting for?  At that time in my life I was writing free-lance articles for the Times-Colonist and was always on the look-out for new writing projects.  So, I approached 'the Queen' when she took a break from royal duties and asked if I could interview her for an article.  She graciously agreed.

Our son Mark, being a free-lance photographer, agreed to take photographs.  It was a fun interview and Mark's photographs were a great success.  Our little grand-daughter, Colleen, presented 'the Queen' with a bouquet of flowers and Mark captured the moment and Colleen's look of wonder perfectly.  (Colleen is now a 31 year old mother of two!). In 1987 my article was published in Woman to Woman magazine. Here is a copy of that article - stay tuned for my next post, which contains some interesting stories that came about as a result of writing this article and meeting Carolyn.

1 comment:

  1. That was so much fun, and Colleen really enjoyed the meeting!
