Tuesday 14 April 2015


I have another little story to relate regarding one of our twin grand-daughters, Heather, when she was tiny.  Heather was the smaller of the twins and was always determined to keep up with her sister.

One day, when all four grandparents were present, she accomplished a great feat.  Lindsay, her twin, had already dealt with the challenges of toilet training and was quite adept at the procedure.

Heather raced into the living room shouting 'Come! Come!' and began pulling us into the bathroom.  We all followed after her, but, alas, Miss Lindsay entered the bathroom first. With a professional flourish, she retrieved the potty, emptied the contents into the toilet and then, with a final theatrical display, flushed her sister's prize away!

Full of frustration and anger, Heather shouted 'Mine! Mine!' and burst into tears.

We adults hid our laughter and consoled our precious grand-daughter.

Now that Heather has a little one of her own, I am sure she will not mind me sharing this delightful tale with you!

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