Monday 6 April 2015


Ken and I were extremely excited when we learned our daughter-in-law, Carol, was pregnant again and that this time it was to be twins!  Heather and Lindsay were born May 16, 1984.

It was sure fun watching them grow and witnessing how they bonded.  They had a special 'twin' language which sounded like 'gibberish' to us but they understood each other - one would often crawl or trot off only to return with some item the other had apparently ordered.  They didn't need any playmates, though they did have their 'big' sister, Colleen, who was only two but already in charge!

We tried to give Mark and Carol a break every so often.  Ken and I had the twins for a visit, or Colleen, separately, so that each child felt 'special'.

We took Heather to swings in a nearby park.  

Another time she rode around on a little pink bicycle we bought for her to enjoy.  We cycled together to the grounds of UVIC to feed the ducks.  

Another fun time was when Heather decorated herself in some of my old bracelets and necklaces.  We played catch in our pretty garden, which she loved to help water.  

And I know she really enjoyed helping to make banana splits for dessert.

Our visits with Lindsay were just as special.  She, too, loved playing on the swings at the park.  She had lots of fun (!) raking up oak leaves from our many trees, 

helping to pick apples from our transparent apple tree and then 'helping' me to make applesauce.  

The petting zoo at Beacon Hill Park was a favorite destination.

Once when the girls were older, we had both twins for a visit. I recall Heather (she was the reader) reading aloud to Lindsay as the pair of them sat in front of a cosy fire, Lindsay contentedly knitting or crochetting. The girls never did much 'hanging around' after school, they usually headed for home to do their homework together just enjoying each other's company.

Where has the time gone? We've seen both girls graduate from University and become competent, conscientious school teachers.  They've each married wonderful young men and become loving, caring mothers.  Heather and Adam will soon be parents to a baby brother for Oliver.

Lindsay and Mike adopted sweet baby James Mark and then to their delight found they were pregnant with adorable Juliette, born this past February.

Ken and I have had such a rewarding and full life.  We are blessed to have such wonderful memories and pictures to treasure.

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