Monday 6 November 2017


On the 10th of November, 2017, Ken and I will celebrate 70 years of marriage.  We had a big celebration on our 40th anniversary and another on our 50th.  Sadly, most of those who attended either occasion have now passed on. This year will just be a quiet time of reflecting on the years we have shared together.

I often think of how simple our wedding was.  For some reason, I decided I did not want to bother with a fancy white wedding dress.  I chose a simple pale blue knee-length dress which sounded far more elegant when described by the social editor of the newspaper (who lived across the street from my parents).  "A hyacinth blue crepe frock styled in the new long length with draped front, capped sleeves and braided cutwork".  My two bridesmaids also wore knee-length dresses, rose-coloured. 

Ken and I were married under a beautiful arch decorated by his mother with flowers from their amazing garden. 

One of the highlights of our wedding was having Ken's 86 year old rosy-cheeked white-haired grandmother join us from Britain, her first time on a plane or out of the country. She was all lavender and old lace and had raised twelve children.

We arranged to have photos taken by a 'proper' photographer but at the last minute made the (regretted) decision to have a 'street' photographer take candid photos at the reception.  Big mistake.

When I compare the cost of most of today's weddings and honeymoons to ours, I marvel at the difference.  For instance, our honeymoon consisted of taking the romantic midnight ferry from Victoria to Vancouver (a voyage we had dreamed about taking together) where we boarded a Trailways bus for a 36 hour trip destined for Hollywood, California.  We sat up the whole way and were the talk of the bus, with many of our fellow passengers making gentle fun of us if Ken and I were late in re-boarding at some of the stops enroute.  "Wait for the honeymooners!!!" 

So many of today's young couples spend thousands of dollars on their weddings and then divorce within a few years.

From the time we were engaged,

Ken and I had a common goal - to build our own home. The first two years after our marriage in November 1947, we lived with my parents, sleeping in the living room of their home.  We purchased four lots from the municipality of Saanich for $600 (borrowed from Ken's dad).  Not owning a car, we rode our bicycles to our new property every day after work, still dressed in our work clothes (no special riding attire like the serious cyclists of today).  Here is a photo of Ken riding on the roof of our took a lot of back-breaking work to get to the point where we had a roof to ride on!

We worked extremely hard, clearing  the land of 150 scrub oaks and what seemed like acres of snowberry bush.  World War II had only recently ended and lumber was very difficult to obtain.  Ken had to go to Youbou (near Duncan on Vancouver Island) to purchase rough floor joists which he then either whittled down or built up - whatever was required. Believe it or not, nails were also at a premium but we managed to get some from Shawnigan Lumber.  We decided to build our house from concrete blocks.  I can't remember if there was such a thing as 'ready-mix' in those days - we were mixing our own cement in a cement mixer.  Half-way through the project, we ran out of sand.  A kind-hearted neighbor who lived DOWN the hill from us offered us sand left over from one of his projects.  Obtaining this sand entailed numerous trips up and down the hill pushing a heavily loaded wheelbarrow.  My job was to tamp down the end result.

A house built of concrete blocks presented a challenge when it came to wiring.  We hired a struggling new electrical firm and Ken helped the electrician by dropping string down the cores of the blocks to indicate where we wanted to have outlets.  I recently found our bill for wiring the whole house - $350!

During these two years, I worked in an insurance company and Ken worked the night shift at the Post Office.  Most of his buddies had served in the war like Ken and they all shared a special bond.  Many of them also road their bikes to and from work, were also building their own homes and they all helped each other.  Many of them were on hand when Ken hid a time capsule in one of the concrete blocks of our home.  (Well-hidden - we have NO idea where it is...)

Building a house is like building a marriage - requires perseverance, and in our case, has been never ending! We decided to add a second floor during the 1960's.  Even though we hired a company to do most of the work, it had its own challenges, not the least of which was a steady parade of workmen through the house.

There are lots of things wrong with our house, but we built it together and every room tells a story.  Ken made special valances for the windows of each room, a built-in bathroom vanity and a kitchen nook.  Over the years we developed the backyard into a lovely oasis.


And after:

 As we enter the seventieth year of our marriage, we recognize that life has been good to us.  We have a kind, thoughtful, caring daughter, a caring, loving son and special daughter-in-law, three loving grandchildren and six great grandchildren.

We spent much of our married life building and strengthening our home.  I truly believe that all the hard physical work and sacrifice strengthened our marriage as well.  It has been a wonderful 70 years.

Tuesday 31 October 2017


Guess what?  We are trying to downsize for the sake of the kids.  After 70 years of marriage and both of us liking to 'keep things', this is a big chore!

We started some time ago by deciding it was time to get rid of all of the Times Colonist Islander inserts we had kept for reference when Ken and I were both writing for the newspaper on a regular basis.  We advertised them as 'free' and some fellow 'collector' duly arrived and took them all away. 

Shortly thereafter, we recycled all the reel to reel and VHS tapes but I'm still holding on to some cassette tapes 'for review'.  All of our slides have gone 'bye-bye' and Mark made sure the important ones found their way onto DVD's.

That was the extent of our purging until a few years later when the kids decided we needed more wiggle room in our living room.  Mark took our two lovely rose coloured wing back chairs, plus one extra chair, to the Salvation Army.  As I witnessed them perched in the back of his truck as it chugged down the driveway I was overcome with sadness, remembering the many now deceased friends who had graced those chairs at various gatherings.  

Oh the parties we had and attended! 

I remember our friend, Pat, sitting in one of the wing backs, holding her empty glass high in the air above her head - indicating she was ready for a refill of rye....

More recently, my daughter and I tackled the bedroom closets.  First we dealt with Ken's suits.  They hung in a row, each one protectively shrouded in plastic, each one a memory - weddings, funerals.  

We tossed a number of pairs of shoes and dozens of ties.  I was reminded that Ken was one of the first in his Post Office group to begin wearing coloured shirts.  He always looked so smart!

Then it was my turn.  For years I have been guilty of ignoring my collection of high heels and purses.  Looking at them stirred up so many memories of gatherings happy and sad.  

My red heels came in handy to complete my 'Judy Garland Wizard of Oz' costume.  

My purple shoes and matching purse were really classy 

but my favorites were the beige heels.  They always made me feel very feminine as I knew I had nice legs.

Now I need to get in the mood to tackle the upstairs where all of our writing research materials are now sequestered and the attic...where more stuff lurks.  Bookcases beckon me.  I see books I've not yet read, others I might read again and still others I'd like to loan out.

I must admit it always feels good when one more thing has been dealt with.  Out of sight, out of mind.  I think...


My daughter has encouraged me to return to my blog.  

Several things have contributed to my absence.  I am kept very busy being a caregiver to my husband Ken, have had a couple of little strokes and developed angina.  But I kind of miss putting my thoughts on paper.  So - here goes!

Ken has edema in his feet and is required to wear very tight 'compression' stockings which are so snug that we need help in pulling them on.

A lady comes in each weekday morning to put his stockings on for him.  We have been blessed to have the same individual every day, and we have 'bonded'.  She is from Africa and is kind, considerate and caring. We enjoy many conversations about her home country, traditions and family.  She also washes up the dishes from the night before as well as our breakfast dishes and is on the premises when either Ken or I take a bath 'just in case'.  Fortunately, the compression stockings are quite easy to remove at the end of the day, so Ken and I are able to manage that ourselves.

We have a cleaner now - a charming girl who vacuums, dusts, etc.  She seems to enjoy chatting with us as much as we do with her.  

We also have a 'foot lady' who comes in on a regular basis to pamper our feet!

Our little corgi, Miller, who is 14 years old now, accepts all visitors with open paws, including the lady who recently came to provide some personal care for HIM (teeth cleaning and scaling).  

Miller is Ken's constant companion and will follow Ken and his walker anywhere!

I am still preparing all of our meals and baking and enjoy reading and my weekly scrabble games, though the number of my fellow scrabblers is sadly reduced.  Ken still spends hours on his computer and we both love our British television programs.

Life has...evolved.

Monday 7 September 2015


The day began with our smoke detector beeping intermittently.  Neither Ken nor I dare to climb on stools or ladders at our age, and our daughter Terry could not reach the detector even when she did stand on a stool! A neighbour (and friend) of Terry's did her best, but even though she could reach the alarm, it still presented too much of a challenge - not your average alarm, apparently. Our car repairman (who offers a mobile service and comes to the house with his van) also took a turn to solve the problem but he too gave up as he did not want to damage the alarm.

Ken always says that if you want a problem solved, go to the top! So, in desperation I called the Saanich Fire Department, stating immediately that there was no emergency.  I pulled the seniors' card, telling them that Ken is 94 and I am 90 - we needed help!

It worked, and in no time at all a fire truck arrived at the foot of the driveway and three stalwart firemen who were 'on call' strode up to the door, ready to help a couple of old folks. One of them gave a mighty twist to the smoke alarm and off came the cover.  

They changed the battery and were kind enough to pose for a photo.

Later that day while Terry and I were shopping, we had another fun encounter.  I was in search of a General Mills Company cereal.  A chap was restocking the shelves.  With my irrepressible sense of humour I asked "Are you General Mills?" Joining in the fun, he replied "No, I'm Corporal Punishment".

Meanwhile our little corgi, Miller, was enjoying a spa treatment - a very nice lady brings a mobile grooming van to our house and Miller is thoroughly combed, bathed and has his fluffy bits dealt with.  He comes out looking like a show dog.

But the day was not over yet - Terry had a surprise visit from a confused-looking young Chocolate Lab who tried to enter her patio door.  Luckily the dog wore a collar and tag with phone numbers.  We had to coax 'Grace' with many treats before she allowed Terry to attach a leash.

She was eventually returned to her owner and Terry was able to join us for lunch, scrabble and our regular Thursday 'family day'.

As we were finishing our second scrabble game, our car repairman knocked at the door to say he was finished.  We offered him a glass of wine which he gratefully accepted, and we ended up having a very enjoyable conversation with him.

It was a nice way to wind up a very busy but rewarding day.

Tuesday 28 April 2015


Corner of Fairfield Road and Vancouver

In 1984, I wrote an article about corner stores.  Ken patiently drove around Victoria with me and took amazing photographs of the shops that were still operating as convenience stores at that time.  I hope you enjoy this look into Victoria's past:

Remember the corner store?  They were everywhere!  I mean the REAL corner store, with the ever-present cat curled up in the sunny window and the bell that sounded an inviting jingle announcing your entry.

Corner of Lillian and Fairfield
There are very few of these little gems remaining in Victoria, but I found some.  It is like stepping into the past as you turn the handle on an old wooden door and set foot onto the well worn floor.

Corner of Stanley Avenue & Begbie
The stores I discovered were, on the whole, small and cosy, but the smallest and no doubt the oldest, was at the corner of Government and Michigan Streets - it is literally a cracker box!

Corner of Government & Michigan
This little store was built in 1915 for Pete Metro.  This Greek gentleman arrived in Victoria in 1893.  He was the proprietor of the Maryland Cafe at 1225 Government Street.  The house that stands behind the Corner Confectionary was built in 1905.  The story goes that Mr. Metro felt sorry for a fellow who was unable to obtain work, so he employed him to build the store.  After its completion, the Metro family rented it out.

One of those tenants was a lady who sat in complete repose in the tiny balcony at the back of the store.  From this lofty vantage point she kept an eagle eye on all the customers. She just told people to help themselves and leave their money on the counter!

Merle Fraser operated the store for 21 years.  When she first opened for business, she could only afford to buy three of everything.  Someone would say 'I've just taken your last bottle of ketchup'.  Merle would chuckle and say 'Good, now I can buy three more'.

Most of Merle's business was on the charge system, as many of her customers were on welfare.  Once, when she attempted to collect a bad debt, an irate woman hit her on the head with a cane!  Often people moved houses without notice and she had the frustrating job of tracking them down to pay their bill.  She remembers a cheque that bounced - she managed to trace the chap to an out-of-town motel and then waited until he rolled out of a beer parlour to nab him.

The next time you have occasion to visit the nearest convenience store and push open the heavy glass door, to be greeted by a tangle of teenagers draped over a video machine, take a deep breath and remember - it wasn't always like this!

Corner of Finlayson & Highview

Tuesday 14 April 2015


I have another little story to relate regarding one of our twin grand-daughters, Heather, when she was tiny.  Heather was the smaller of the twins and was always determined to keep up with her sister.

One day, when all four grandparents were present, she accomplished a great feat.  Lindsay, her twin, had already dealt with the challenges of toilet training and was quite adept at the procedure.

Heather raced into the living room shouting 'Come! Come!' and began pulling us into the bathroom.  We all followed after her, but, alas, Miss Lindsay entered the bathroom first. With a professional flourish, she retrieved the potty, emptied the contents into the toilet and then, with a final theatrical display, flushed her sister's prize away!

Full of frustration and anger, Heather shouted 'Mine! Mine!' and burst into tears.

We adults hid our laughter and consoled our precious grand-daughter.

Now that Heather has a little one of her own, I am sure she will not mind me sharing this delightful tale with you!

Monday 6 April 2015


Ken and I were extremely excited when we learned our daughter-in-law, Carol, was pregnant again and that this time it was to be twins!  Heather and Lindsay were born May 16, 1984.

It was sure fun watching them grow and witnessing how they bonded.  They had a special 'twin' language which sounded like 'gibberish' to us but they understood each other - one would often crawl or trot off only to return with some item the other had apparently ordered.  They didn't need any playmates, though they did have their 'big' sister, Colleen, who was only two but already in charge!

We tried to give Mark and Carol a break every so often.  Ken and I had the twins for a visit, or Colleen, separately, so that each child felt 'special'.

We took Heather to swings in a nearby park.  

Another time she rode around on a little pink bicycle we bought for her to enjoy.  We cycled together to the grounds of UVIC to feed the ducks.  

Another fun time was when Heather decorated herself in some of my old bracelets and necklaces.  We played catch in our pretty garden, which she loved to help water.  

And I know she really enjoyed helping to make banana splits for dessert.

Our visits with Lindsay were just as special.  She, too, loved playing on the swings at the park.  She had lots of fun (!) raking up oak leaves from our many trees, 

helping to pick apples from our transparent apple tree and then 'helping' me to make applesauce.  

The petting zoo at Beacon Hill Park was a favorite destination.

Once when the girls were older, we had both twins for a visit. I recall Heather (she was the reader) reading aloud to Lindsay as the pair of them sat in front of a cosy fire, Lindsay contentedly knitting or crochetting. The girls never did much 'hanging around' after school, they usually headed for home to do their homework together just enjoying each other's company.

Where has the time gone? We've seen both girls graduate from University and become competent, conscientious school teachers.  They've each married wonderful young men and become loving, caring mothers.  Heather and Adam will soon be parents to a baby brother for Oliver.

Lindsay and Mike adopted sweet baby James Mark and then to their delight found they were pregnant with adorable Juliette, born this past February.

Ken and I have had such a rewarding and full life.  We are blessed to have such wonderful memories and pictures to treasure.