Tuesday 10 December 2013

Away in a Manger

Many families have favourite Christmas traditions.  Our family became obsessed with home entertainment in the form of each person present doing his or her ‘party piece’.

Our very precocious three-year old granddaughter decided she was going to sing ‘Away in a Manger’ with the appropriate ‘rocking the baby’ motion.  Her grandfather was not convinced she was capable of remembering all the words, so he volunteered to perform a duet with her.

For weeks he coached her and felt that by Christmas he could trust her to perform with his support.

The turkey had been consumed and all were gathered around the fireplace.  Several family members had recited, sung or played a musical instrument and now the big moment arrived for the youngest performer.

She looked so angelic, dressed all in white, with her proud, but somewhat anxious grandfather by her side.  A hush fell over the gathering as Grandma‘s hands, poised over the piano keys, began to accompany the little singer.

The performance was a great success, and as we wiped a tear of emotion from our eyes and then clapped in unison, that little imp turned to her grandfather and said,

“Now Grandpa, do you think you can do it by yourself next year?”

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