Thursday 19 December 2013

The Gift That Keeps on Giving

Christmases come and go, but one that stands out in my memory personified the gift of loving and sharing. It did not involve a tangible, touchable gift but instead, thoughtful loving promises which were fulfilled during the coming year.

Our first gift was for January 2009, when we were invited to be guests of our daughter, Terry, and our son Mark and his wife, Carol, for an Imax double feature, followed by lunch at the Old Spaghetti Factory.

At the end of January 2009, Ken and I were invited for a 'sleep-over' at Mark and Carol's (they still lived on Vancouver Island at that time).  

Mark, a photographer and memory-enthusiast, was anxious to complete a video he was making of our journey through life.  

Ken and I arrived with armloads of family albums, photos, slides, and movies, which Mark used to compile a two-dvd set chronicling our married life. Carol kept us well fortified with delicious meals and lots of wine as we shared so many memories.  Terry ensured that our dog Miller was well cared-for in our absence.

In February 2009, Carol and Terry hosted a valentine-themed luncheon 

for myself and my group of 'scrabble ladies'. 

In March 2009 we enjoyed an evening of board games at our home, refreshments provided by Carol, Mark and Terry.

In April 2009, during our annual mini-vacation at Yellowpoint Lodge, we were joined for lunch by Carol, Mark and Terry.

In May 2009 Carol and Terry hosted a spring scrabble luncheon in Mark and Carol's beautiful yard.  .

While we feasted and chatted, Mark and Ken had a walking tour of Sidney and 'bonded' over some fish and chips.

In July 2009, after a game of mini-golf, we enjoyed a picnic atop Mt. Tolmie (Ken's old stomping ground) with Terry, Mark, Carol, and grand-daughters/spouses.

In September the plan was a stay at a lovely condo on Mt. Washington, to include lots of long walks and family time.

What wonderful, thoughtful and inspired gifts were spread out for us over that year - proving that time together means more than all the glitter and glam thrust upon us during Christmas season.

1 comment:

  1. Relational gifts are always the best :) I recall that Mike make a little video about some of these relational gifts one year?
