Sunday 8 December 2013

Precious Memories

My mind often travels back to when our granddaughters were young.

Sometimes my husband and I took them for a stroll to the University grounds.  On the way we would encounter throngs of grasshoppers noisily foraging through the undergrowth and long grass.  Grandpa even wrote a story about them - 'A Grasshopper's Tale'. Often we stopped to feed the ducks.

During winter visits, we had such fun at the Christmas Store.  It was really magical.  I told them they could each pick out an ornament.  After much discussion they each selected one of those delightful 'snow falling' ornaments (snow globes?).

Then there were the years we made and decorated Christmas cookies.  Once the dough was rolled out they stood on chairs and did the cutting out with their tiny hands.

I mixed egg yolks with a drop of water and separated the mixture into small containers, added food colouring, provided paint brushes. 

Soon they were off in their own little world of imagination and creativity.

One year we were ambitious enough to tackle making a gingerbread house.  I will always remember that particular Christmas as our gingerbread roof was a bit 'challenged', so we ended up supporting it with an empty roll of toilet paper.  The finished product was a joy to behold, but we knew the secret that lurked underneath.

Another Christmas memory I have is of Heather and Lindsay cosily ensconced in front of a roaring fire.  Lindsay was busily knitting some item while Heather read out loud to her.  Being twins, they were quite content, like a couple of old ladies sitting by the fire enjoying its warmth and just being with each other.

As the girls grew to be teenagers, I often took them shopping at Mayfair Mall for their Christmas presents. We wandered from store to store "Below the Belt" "Above the Belt" - you name it!  I sat patiently listening to loud rap music while they paraded in front of me in various outfits.  Once they made their decisions, I paid for the goods and we headed for Swiss Chalet for lunch.  When we returned home, there was always a fashion show staged for Grandpa.

Was 1996 the year of the crippling snow storm that hit Victoria?  For four days after Christmas we were marooned in our son's home in North Saanich.  It was a magical time.  We had plenty of food, roaring fires while the snow fell relentlessly. We listened to radio reports of people unable to get to work or trapped in their homes needing milk, eggs or bread. Neighbors reported in to each other via the radio, each one trying to help the other.  We played lots of board games, told stories, laughed and probably drank some wine.  Little did we imagine that many years later our son and daughter-in-law, as well as our three granddaughters and great grand children would all be living in Prince George where they experience that type of winter wonderland every Christmas!

Oh what precious memories to have.  I am forever grateful for them, and I know, too, that my granddaughters appreciate and treasure those special times.


  1. I sure do Grandma!! Such good memories! I'm so greatful that you and Grandpa always took the time and effort to spend quality time with us making those memories :) Going to the Naden Band concert and out for dinner is a fond memory of mine as well, but I guess that's when we were a little older. (and I definitely remember feeding the ducks!!)

  2. Oh and I need to get the cookie recipe from you too so I can start the same tradition with Kyler :) He would love that!

  3. Such wonderful memories! I loved our shopping trip. You were so patient and willing to go to any of the stores we wanted. I did those painted cookies with my first class of students. They loved it! Thanks for all the memories. We are such a blessed family!
